Your Ship Explained


Saturday, December 18, 2010

The American Dream

I'm sure you have heard of the concept of The American Dream, but I wonder if any of us knows what that really means? Is there really an actual definition that everyone can understand? I wonder if you can take a moment and define for yourself what the “American Dream” means to you. I know that for me it's about freedom. Freedom to do what I want, when I want, with whomever I want and never have to worry about whether my debit card will come back “denied” when the cashier pushes the button. I want the freedom to be able to call my travel agent and say book me a flight to Hawaii or Miami or someplace else warm when the weather report says an arctic blast is headed my way in a couple of days. I want to be able to help my children out financially when times are tough like my parents have been able to help me. I want to no longer be a slave to my alarm clock and wake up when my body feels fully rested... everyday! That's a snapshot of my dream. What about you? What is your dream?

America has long been known as “The Land of Opportunity” and many people have proven it to be so over and over. The stories are too numerous to mention. While the stories are numerous the actual numbers are staggeringly few. In the United States with a population of 300 million plus there are approx. 2.8 million millionaires. That's less than 1%!

Of course $1 million is an arbitrary figure to use to calculate success. For many people it's about quality of life and having a lot of money doesn't always equate to a great quality of life but it can sure give you more options. Here's an interesting question for you; are you making more money than you can stand? Is the money you're making now providing you with the life you truly want to live? If not the next question is, why? What keeps you from becoming that person who is actually living the life you want to live? What is keeping you from providing a better life for your family? Only you can answer that question for yourself. Those of us who consider ourselves average and ordinary and who are not as satisfied with life as we'd like to be are letting something hold us back. Many will blame something or someone outside of themselves for what's happening in their lives but what it eventually comes down to is you are the problem.

Harsh? Maybe, but usually true. There are enough stories of people rising from poverty to great wealth. Stories of uneducated people achieving dream lifestyles. Stories of ordinary people who get out of their own way to achieve something great for themselves, their families, and sometimes they even change the world. If they can do it don't you think there are possibilities for you also? It's possible, if you decide to move in the direction you really want to go.

The challenge to doing this is it means doing something uncomfortable. Maybe you need to turn off the TV. Maybe not crack open that next beer. Maybe get out of your house and meet people. Maybe just open up your mind and look at new possibilities that are out there for you. It may even mean we need to start thinking outside the box. I could tell you "follow me, I can show you the way" but the path I've chosen may not be the right path for you.   All I can suggest is that you take the time to look at your life and determine if you are where you really want to be. Ask yourself, “ if I were really living up to my potential, what would my life look like?” Maybe you need to look at your career path and ask yourself if it's really going to take you where you want to go. Maybe you need new friends. At some point we all need to decide that something needs to change and then make the change.

“Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men” Galileo

If you haven't yet found the path that's right for you send me an email and I'll send you information about the path I've chosen.  You may find it valuable or just find it interesting.

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